
Upcoming events

Harmony, History & Style - Unit 1 (Baroque)

The first unit in Lona Kozik’s unique music theory course teaches harmony and style, starting with music from the Baroque period

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£70.00 Buy now ?

ABRSM 2025 & 2026 Syllabus - Repertoire Showcase

Combined ticket for all three workshops giving insights on a selection of the prescribed pieces works across all grades More info >>

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“I Played It Better at Home!”

Adina Mornell’s introductory workshop gives practical solutions for more effective practising, avoiding surprises and enjoying performing!

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£25.00 Buy now ?

Past events

Piano Day Festival - Weekend Pass

Save 20% with a combined ticket for all ten events in our Piano Day 2021 Festival

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£300.00 Buy now ?

Piano Teachers' Course Live - Recordings Bundle

Collection of recordings for PTC Live workshops from 4th Dec 2022, 29th Jan 2023, 5th March & 14th May 2023 featuring twelve presentations by Jill Morton, Beate Toyka, Kris Worsley, Masayuki Tayama, Ilga Pitkevica and Lucinda Mackworth-Young.

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£200.00 Buy now ?

Baroque, Classical & Romantic Workshops - Recordings Bundle

Collection of recordings from Graham Fitch's online presentations on playing piano music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods.

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£180.00 Buy now ?

Deep Learning & Practice Tools - Interactive Workshops Bundle

Combined bundle featuring recordings and resources from Graham Fitch's full day courses on applying the practice tools and techniques for deep learning.

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£150.00 Buy now ?

London Piano Courses - Recordings Bundle

Complete set of recordings from our first two London Piano Courses featuring presentations on style, learning pieces, Baroque music  and performance workshops

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Online Workshop Recordings - Highlights Bundle

A selection of the resources and resources from some of our most popular online workshops on practising, learning pieces, playing fast, technique and more!

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Technique Series with Graham Fitch

Graham Fitch presents a set of online workshops showing you how to improve your technique for playing that feels and sounds good! 

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£100.00 Buy now ?

Style & Interpretation - The Classical Period

Graham Fitch presents a full day online workshop dedicated to interpreting and performing piano music from the Classical Period.

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Romantic Workshop (Nov 2023) - Online Ticket

Online ticket for Graham Fitch's presentations and performance workshop focussing on piano music form the Romantic period

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Deep Learning & Memorisation – Interactive Workshop

Online ticket for Graham Fitch's interactive workshop on deep learning and memorisation tools and techniques More info >>

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Repertoire Ideas, Interpretation & Creativity (Combined Ticket)

Save 20% on a combined ticket for Graham Fitch's presentations on choosing inspiring repertoire and creating personal interpretations

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Baroque Day (Oct 2022) - Online Ticket - All Sessions

Online ticket for our London Piano Course taking place on 22nd October focussing on piano music from the Baroque period

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London Piano Course (Sep 2022) - Online Ticket (Full Day)

Full day online ticket for our London Piano Course taking place on 24th September 2022

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Applying the Practice Tools - Interactive Workshop (Online Ticket)

Online ticket for our interactive workshop providing a hands-on, practical way to learn how to apply Graham Fitch's practice tools

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£75.00 Buy now ?

Trinity Syllabus Workshop Series (Combined Ticket)

A series of three workshops on the Trinity College London 2021 - 23 examination syllabus covering a selection of repertoire and other aspects for all grades.

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Harmony, History & Style - Unit 1 (Baroque)

The first unit in Lona Kozik’s unique music theory course teaches harmony and style, starting with music from the Baroque period

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Technique Clinic with Penelope Roskell - Online Ticket

Penelope Roskell presents an interactive technique clinic for pianists of all levels and teachers

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£60.00 Buy now ?

Repertoire Ideas & Inspiration

Graham Fitch presents a selection of repertoire ideas at all levels, including both popular works and hidden gems.

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Baroque Day (Oct 2022) - Online Ticket - Presentations Only

Online ticket (presentations only) for our London Piano Course taking place on 22nd October focussing on piano music from the Baroque period

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How to Play Fast (Combined Ticket)

Online workshops on how to move from a piece from a slow learning speed up to the full performance tempo 

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Scales, Arpeggios and Improving Your Chord Technique (Combined ticket)

Combined ticket for Penelope Roskell's online workshops on improving chord technique and playing scales and arpeggios

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Arpeggios, Trills & Tremolos (Combined Ticket)

Fred Karpoff presents a set of two online workshops focussing on elements of technique essential for progressing from intermediate to advanced playing. More info >>

£55.00 Buy now ?

Playing with Freedom

Graham Fitch explores how to deliver performances free from tension and anxiety and achieve your full potential at the piano. More info >>

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Creative Practising Using Keyboard Harmony

Ken Johansen presents a practical two-part workshop on using keyboard harmony skills to learn, memorise and interpret advanced piano music more effectively

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Awakening the Imagination - Repertoire Ideas (Combined Ticket)

Graham Fitch presents a selection of repertoire ideas at all levels, including both popular works and hidden gems.

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Unlock Your Potential with …Czerny?!

Fred Karpoff presents an online workshop on using Czerny’s Op. 821 to develop effective practice strategies, effortless trills, rotation and more!

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Piano Teachers' Course Live (May 2023)

Series of online workshops featuring presentations on learning phrasing, understanding tempo rubato and dealing with performance anxiety.

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Piano Teachers' Course Live (March 2023)

Series of online workshops featuring presentations on Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, understanding tempo rubato and what makes the Suzuki method different from others.

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Piano Teachers' Course Live (Jan 2023)

Series of online workshops featuring presentations on pedalling, classical style and exploring sound and colour possibilities in 20th C repertoire

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Piano Teachers' Course Live (Dec 2022) - Combined Ticket

Series of online workshops featuring presentations on psychology, the new ABRSM syllabus and technique

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Elementary Technique Workshop (November 2022) - Online Ticket

Practical workshop by Penelope Roskell on fundamental aspects of piano technique for adult beginners, returners and teachers

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Online Performance Workshop (Performer Ticket)

Performer ticket for online workshop in which participants play a piece of their choice to an audience of observers and receive individual tuition from Graham Fitch.

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Harpsichords, Pianos and a Clavichord

Acclaimed harpsichordist and conductor Jory Vinikour gives  an informal tour of his collection of keyboard instruments 

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Online Performance Workshop (Performer Ticket)

Performance workshop in which participants play a piece of their choice to an audience of observers and receive individual tuition from Graham Fitch.

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Piano Technique Workshop (Beginner & Intermediate)

Online workshop in which Penelope Roskell teaches how to establish strong, musical and healthy foundations in piano technique

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Using Technical Exercises and Studies - Interactive Workshop (Part 1 & 2)

Two-part interactive online workshop on using technical studies and exercises effectively to improve your technique

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Interactive Practising Workshop

Two-part online workshop providing a hands-on, practical way to learn how to apply Graham Fitch’s practice tools

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How to Create a Beautiful Sound

Online workshop in which Graham Fitch shows how to utilise the piano’s vast tonal palette, from creating a quality sound at all dynamic levels through to controlling voicing, colour and texture.

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£45.00 Buy now ?

Technique Clinic with Penelope Roskell (February 2024)

Online observer ticket for Penelope Roskell's technique clinic for participants in her online course for adult beginner and returning pianists.

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£40.00 Buy now ?

Breathing Life into Bach

Fred Karpoff presents an online workshop exploring technical and musical aspects for a selection of Bach’s Inventions & Sinfonias More info >>

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Advanced Technique - Double Notes, Chords & Octaves

Graham Fitch presents a follow-on from Technique Day on 30th September focussing on aspects of advanced technique.

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Awakening the Imagination – Developing a Personal Interpretation

Online presentation by Graham Fitch on opening the imagination to go beyond the notes and develop a personal interpretation

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London Piano Course (Sep 2022) - Performance & Practising Workshops

Online ticket for the afternoon sessions from our full day course featuring performance workshops and a practising Q&A hosted by Graham Fitch

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London Piano Course (Sep 2022) - Aspects of Style

Online ticket for individual presentation from our full day course featuring Graham Fitch on style in the Baroque, Classical and romatic periods

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London Piano Course (Sep 2022) - How to Learn a New Piece

Online ticket for individual presentation from our full day course featuring Graham Fitch on learning new pieces

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The Pedal – The Soul of the Piano

An interactive workshop in which Penelope Roskell demonstrates the sound and atmosphere created by various kinds of pedalling

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Trouble-Free Trills & Ornaments

An interactive workshop for pianists and piano teachers in which Penelope Roskell gives tips for playing ornaments elegantly and effortlessly

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Online Academy Birthday Bash - Full Day Ticket

Join us in person or online on 15th January for a special day of piano events as part of our celebrations for the Online Academy's 5th birthday!

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Improving Your Chord Technique

Online workshop in which Penelope Roskell discusses different types of chord technique and shows how they can be put into practice

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Playing Scales & Arpeggios Evenly, Fluently and Expressively

Online workshop in which Penelope Roskell demonstrates techniques for evenness, fluency and speed when playing scales & arpeggios

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Creating a Beautiful Piano Sound

Online workshop in which Penelope Roskell explains the principles behind producing a beautiful tone quality for pianists and teachers

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Memorisation and Deep Learning

A revised version of one of our most popular online workshops focusing on methods and techniques for deep learning and memorisation

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Fundamentals of Piano Practice

A revised version of our online workshop demonstrating key principles and foundational practice tools for learning new pieces and practising more effectively

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Jailbreaking Hanon

Graham Fitch shows how Hanon's exercises can be used as a blank canvas to experience and develop movements encountered in real music 

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The Four Skills of Successful Sight-Reading

Ken Johansen shows how to develop four skills for successful sight-reading, including planning, eye training, reading ahead and maintaining a pulse

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Principles of Piano Fingering (2021)

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop exploring the principles of choosing fingering that is right for your hand.

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Mastering Double Notes

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop on mastering the technical challenges posed by double notes from the intermediate to advanced level

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Bringing Scales & Arpeggios to Life

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop offering fun and creative ways to practise sales and arpeggios and use them for a variety of purposes

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How Can a Wrong Note Be Perfect?

William Westney presents an online workshop based on the core philosophy behind his bestselling book, The Perfect Wrong Note

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Practising in Rhythms and Accents

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop demonstrating how to practice with rhythms and accents to play faster and more accurately

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Baroque Workshop for Pianists

Graham Fitch discusses playing Baroque music stylistically and expressively on the piano

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Baroque Style & The Harpsichord - Lecture Performance

Lecture and performance by acclaimed harpsichordist Jory Vinikour on various aspects of Baroque style

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Technique Workshop – Inventing Exercises from Your Pieces

Graham Fitch shows how to invent technical exercises from pieces you are playing

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Interactive Practice Workshop – Solving Technical & Musical Problems

Graham Fitch demonstrates practice tools for solving technical and musical problems in tricky spots in pieces

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Interactive Practice Workshop – Note Learning & Maintaining Repertoire

Graham Fitch demonstrates a selection of practice tools for learning new pieces and maintaining repertoire

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Making Good, Healthy Sound - Even at the Softest Dynamic Level

William Westney demystifies the technique of playing softly and finding a satisfying, reliable approach that sounds and feels good!

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Sight-Reading - Keeping Going, No Matter What!

Ken Johansen shows how to maintain a steady pulse even in challenging circumstances when sight-reading

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Introduction to Forearm Rotation

Online workshop showing how to incorporate basic principles of forearm rotation into your playing

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Interactive Practising Workshop

Two-part online workshop providing a hands-on, practical way to learn how to apply Graham Fitch’s practice tools

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Developing Strong Technical Foundations

Interactive workshop in which Penelope Roskell demonstrates some of her exercises for establishing healthy, sound foundations in piano technique

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Effortless Trills and Tremolos

Fred Karpoff shows how to develop effortless, continuous trills and tremolos More info >>

£35.00 Buy now ?

Making the Jump to Advanced Arpeggios

Fred Karpoff demonstrates a step-by-step approach to developing fast, fluent arpeggios More info >>

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Haydn's C Major "English" Sonata - A Fantasy Analysis

Graham Fitch brings Haydn’s music to life with a creative, imaginary narrative

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Getting Your Pieces up to Speed

Practical workshop in which Graham Fitch demonstrates effective practice methods for developing speed

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£30.00 Buy now ?

Principles of Piano Fingering

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop exploring the principles of choosing fingering that is right for your hand.

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Bach Isn't Boring

Beate Toyka inspires and equips you to play works by one of the greatest of composers, starting with the earliest examples of fugues through to the splendour of the Well Tempered Clavier

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Pathetique, Moonlight & More!

Julian Jacobson presents a guide to playing a selection of movements from Beethoven's Sonatas, including the ubiquitous Moonlight 1st movement, Pathetique 2nd movement and two other rewarding gems! More info >>

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Christmas Music by the Masters

Fred Karpoff presents a collection of alluring piano gems for the Christmas season by great composers

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Performance Workshop (October 2023) - Online Audience Ticket

Online audience ticket for Graham Fitch's performance workshop on 28th October 2023 for intermediate and advanced pianists.

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Performance Workshop & Presentation (July 2023) - Online Ticket

Online audience ticket for Graham Fitch's presentation on preparing for performance and workshop for intermediate and advanced pianists.

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Introducing the “Un-Master Class”

William Westney presents a demonstration of his unique alternative to a traditional masterclass for an in-person and online audience

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The New ABRSM Piano Syllabus - A Guided Tour

An overview of the new ABRSM 2023 & 24 piano syllabus and a preview of our coming resources 

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Online Performance Workshop (Audience Ticket)

Audience ticket for online workshop in which participants play a piece of their choice to an audience of observers and receive individual tuition from Graham Fitch.

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Online Academy Birthday Bash - Lecture-Performances

Watch our three lecture-performances by Graham Fitch, Masayuki Tayama and Penelope Roskell in central London online!

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Trinity Syllabus Workshop Series – Advanced (Grades 7 & 8)

Part 3 of a series of workshops on the Trinity college London 2021 - 23 syllabus covering a selection of repertoire and other aspects for the advanced grades (7 & 8).

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Trinity College Workshop Series – Intermediate (Grades 4 - 6)

Part 2 of a series of workshops on the Trinity College London 2021 - 23 syllabus covering a selection of repertoire and other aspects for the intermediate grades (4 - 6).

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Trinity College Workshop Series – Foundation (Initial – Grade 3)

Part 1 of a series of workshops on the Trinity College London 2021 - 23 syllabus covering a selection of repertoire and other aspects for the foundation grades (Initial - 3).

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The Practice Tools in Action

Interactive workshop in which Graham Fitch gives a practical demonstration of practice tools applied to a selection of elementary, intermediate and advanced repertoire

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Getting Your Pieces up to Speed (Jun 2021)

Practical workshop in which Graham Fitch demonstrates effective practice methods for developing speed

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Spontaneous Social Piano

Lucinda Mackworth-Young shows how to be able to play the piano anytime, anywhere for your own and others’ enjoyment

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Piano Technique Workshop (Beginner)

First part of an interactive workshop on technical studies and exercises exploring elementary technique and foundations

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Using Technical Exercises and Studies - Interactive Workshop (Part 1)

First part of an interactive workshop on technical studies and exercises exploring elementary technique and foundations

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Burgmüller’s 25 Easy and Progressive Études (Op. 100)

Graham Fitch presents an online workshop demonstrating how Burgmüller’s Op. 100 etudes can be used for various purposes

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Applying the Practice Tools to New Pieces

An online workshop demonstrating how to apply the practice tools when learning new pieces

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Using Technical Exercises and Studies Effectively

Online workshop on how to use popular technical studies and exercises effectively to improve your technique

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Memorisation and Deep Learning

A repeat of one of our most popular online workshops focusing on methods for deep learning and memorisation

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How to Learn a New Piece

An online workshop in which Graham Fitch presents a step-by-step guide to learning new pieces effectively

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Fundamentals of Piano Practice

New online workshop outlining a collection of key principles and foundational practice tools for learning new pieces and practising more effectively.

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Improve Your Sight-Reading (Intermediate)

Learn tips and tools to practise and improve your sight-reading at the intermediate level.  

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Demystifying Sight Reading

Online presentation by Lona Kozik teaching you five key skills for becoming an excellent sight reader!

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£25.00 Buy now ?

Online Performance Workshop (Audience Ticket)

Performance workshop in which participants play a piece of their choice to an audience of observers and receive individual tuition from Graham Fitch.

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Spontaneous Social Piano – Christmas Edition!

Lucinda Mackworth-Young shows what and how to play the piano spontaneously with family and friends at Christmas time

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How to Play Fast (Advanced)

Online workshop for advanced pianists (grades 7 - 8+) on how to move from a piece from a slow learning speed up to the full performance tempo 

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How to Play Fast (Intermediate)

Online workshop for intermediate pianists (grades 4 - 6) on how to move from a piece from a slow learning speed up to the full performance tempo 

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How to Play Fast (Elementary)

Online workshop for elementary pianists (grades 1 - 3) on how to move from a piece from a slow learning speed up to the full performance tempo 

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Online Academy Birthday Bash - Performance Workshop

Watch our performance workshop in central London online! More info >>

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Piano Day 2023 - Performance Event (Online Ticket)

Graham Fitch hosts a performance event at our central London studios giving pianists a chance to perform and obtain feedback on their playing!

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£20.00 Buy now ?

Introducing Healthy Expressive Piano Technique

An interactive workshop for pianists and piano teachers in which Penelope Roskell introduces the principles behind a healthy, musically focussed piano technique.

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Online Performance Workshop (Audience Ticket)

Performance workshop in which participants play a piece of their choice to an audience of observers and receive individual tuition from Graham Fitch.

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Christopher Norton's Repertoire Ideas for Grades 1-3

Online workshop featuring repertoire suggestions by Christopher Norton for Grades 1 - 3 with free scores & backing tracks

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£15.00 Buy now ?

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Purchase an annual subscription for the Online Academy for £119.99 per year and get:

  • Practising the Piano - Multimedia eBook series in four parts (£39.99 if purchased separately)
  • Practising the Piano - Annotated Study Edition bundle (£19.99 if purchased separately)
  • From the Ground Up - Complete Series Bundle (£19.99 if purchased separately)

In addition to full access to our constantly growing online library of 1000+ articles, videos and other resources!
