David Hall

David is a versatile musician who is equally at home playing cathedral evensong, running a children’s choir or directing a big band. He studied the piano with Laura Cole and Freni Sanders and the organ with Anne Marsden Thomas at the Royal Academy of Music.

David is a graduate of Cambridge University. During his time studying there, he was organ scholar of Corpus Christi College. In 1999, he joined the music staff at Chelmsford Cathedral and Felsted School. During this time, he accompanied and conducted several choral societies including the National Children’s Choir of Great Britain. He is always in demand to accompany exam candidates from prep tests to diplomas.

David is Director of Music at Twyford School. Under his leadership, the children at Twyford School have taken part in five professional operas at Grange Park and have recorded two CDs. David is an accomplished (though unpublished!) composer. He has written many pieces for Twyford School Choir and he writes the annual school musical and nativity show.

David has received rave reviews for the piano courses he has directed at Finchcocks, with Giles Smith of the Sunday Times, who attended one of his courses at Finchcocks, describing him as a “musical powerhouse” and students of the courses regularly rating them as “life changing”.

Author links

  • Finchcocks website (click here)
  • there's More to Playing the Piano (click here to purchase print edition)

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There’s More to Playing the Piano

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