An Overview of the Practice Tools

Laying Solid Foundations in a New Piece

Using the Three S's to learn more effectively

This video demonstrates the "Three S's" (slowly, separately, sections) in practice using Petzhold’s Minuet in G minor (BWV Anh. 115) from the Anna Magdalene Notebook:

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Resources & links

  • Click here to view The Practice Tools Lecture Series which provides a more detailed overview of additional practice tools.
  • Practising the Piano Multimedia eBook Series - Part 1 (Practice Strategies and Approaches) - click here to download if you already own it or click here to purchase from our store.

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum - Part 2

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To give an interpretation of a piece we have never seen before requires flexibility and demands a willingness to accept wrong notes, technical stumbles, and botched details, in the greater interest of maintaining rhythmic cohesion, following the broad outlines of the score. The second part of our Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum... Read >>

Ken Johansen Practising

Separate Practice

Learning a complex piece each hand alone before putting the hands together is a strategy favoured by the majority of piano teachers. While it is of course possible to practise a fugue hands separately, this misses the point. Rather than working hands separately, I advocate strands separately (playing each line... Read >>

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum - Part 1

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Ken Johansen Practising