

Beethoven - Für Elise (Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor, WoO 59)

Le petit âne blanc (The Little White Donkey) is the second piece from Jacquest Ibert’s set of ten pieces entitled Histoires (1922). In the key of F sharp major, it paints a vivid picture of a day in the life of a donkey, and requires plenty of imagination to play it with the colour and vibrancy it requires. I have selected two Q-spots that will need your careful attention: Bars 20 – downbeat 25 Bars 25-29 Preview (please log-in or subscribe to see full video) Resources... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Schumann - Knight Rupert (Album for the Young, Op. 68 No. 12)

This article comes from our series on Quarantine Spots and shows how to use quarantining and other practice tools to approach two challenging spots within the work. Click here to find out more about quarantining and to view other works featured in this manner. Knight Rupert, No. 12 from Schumann’s Album for the Young, Op. 68, is a favourite recital piece for the intermediate player, and great fun to play. The rousing A section contrasts beautifully with the more lyrical B section. Come up with a story line from your imagination, but first do some research on... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

WA Mozart - 5 Variations in G major, K501

These videos, based on content from the Piano Teachers’ Course UK, provide a demonstration of the “do’s and don’ts” of duet playing. Using Mozart’s Five Variations K501 as a practical example, the videos illustrate the various challenges that arise, including pedalling, page turning and getting in each other’s way in... Read >>

Beate Toyka, Masayuki Tayama Repertoire

Beethoven - Für Elise

We’ve probably all come up against difficulties in a piece where our fingers seem to baulk – we hesitate, stumble, or approximate the notes with a mañana attitude to fixing them. Our unconscious thoughts go something like: “All I need is a few days, it’ll sort itself out eventually”, or “I’ll wait for my teacher to correct it in the lesson”, and so on. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and unless we address these problem passages thoroughly they are likely to let us down in performance. The problem We all know that in a performance... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Bach - Invention in D Minor No. 4

(Bagatelle No. 25 in A Minor)

This evergreen miniature of Beethoven scarcely needs any introduction at all, since Für Elise is known to the world at large. What beginning piano student does not itch to play it, pestering their teacher long before they are ready? Any piano teacher reading this will identify with the two Q-spots I have selected from the piece, places where students regularly trip up: Bar 22 - 23 Bar 29 - 35 Preview (please log-in or subscribe to see full video) Resources & links ... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Schumann - Knight Rupert (No. 12 from Album for the Young, Op. 68)

(BWV 775)

The Inventions (in two parts) and the Sinfonias (in three parts) were begun in 1720 as part of a manuscript book devoted to the musical education of Bach’s eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann, then 9 years old. These pieces have certainly withstood the test of time, and are played throughout the world by intermediate players and concert artists alike. I have identified two Q-spots in this work where many people get stuck. You’ve probably guessed where these spots are – the two places where we find extended trills: Bar 18 – Downbeat of 23 Bar 29 – Downbeat of bar... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Alwyn - The Sun is Setting

This video provides a walk-through of William Alwyn's The Sun is Setting which is a popular piece for intermediate pianists.... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Burgmüller - 1. La Candeur (Openness) in C major (from 25 Easy and Progressive Etudes, Op. 100)

Cultivate a singing style in the RH (legato cantabile), shaping the line expressively with nuances. The short phrase marks (slurs) do not necessarily imply a lifting of the hand at the ends but show how the notes are to be grouped (in the manner of string bowing). Interpret these with a slight emphasis on the first note of each group and a subtle diminuendo towards the end of the group. A chord legato wherever possible in the LH progression ensures the smoothest connections and the best control of sound: Crescendo means soft! Start... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire

Burgmüller - 2. L’Arabesque (Arabesque) in A minor (from 25 Easy and Progressive Etudes, Op. 100)

Keep the LH chords close to the keyboard, the fingertips firm and somewhat active, the wrist loose but relatively still. When practising the LH separately, the following patterns will help to learn the hand shapes: Play RH semiquaver patterns lightly using a drop-roll (down-up) movement generated from the arm. Small lateral adjustments in the wrist keep us free and loose by assisting finger articulation. The first note of each RH group is the strongest, the last note lighter and short. You might practise chaining the drop-roll slurs thus (RH alone): ... Read >>

Graham Fitch Repertoire